Boot64 Ventures
Boot64 Ventures
Focused on under-served Louisiana based pre-seed stage startups

Boot64 Ventures Application

Completing this form will enter you into our system. It may take 2-4 weeks for us to evaluate your application and respond. Our process may take 2-4 months to make an investment decision. To be clear we do not make loans or offer grants, we invest for equity in startups we believe have the opportunity to be the next unicorns in Louisiana.

Primary Contact
Company Information
What is the name of your company?
What is your company's website?
This could be the primary location of your home office or the primary market your company serves.
separate each with a comma
complete information helps our process
complete information helps our process
What are the roles of the founders and important teammates? Please keep your answer to under 100 words.
List as a L.L.C., Sole Proprietor, S-Corp, C-Corp, B-Corp, Partnership or Other
It could be more than one
List just the parish if you're not in a city
Use only one or two sentences
Use no more than three sentences
Limit 100 words
Idea, Prototype, Beta, MVP, Fully developed, Active sales
List how many active customers or if you've talked to potential customers
If yes, list from who, when and how much
If yes, list any terms that have been set and the amount you want to raise
Where did you find us online or who referred you